Watch Quentin Tarantino’s neo-noir films Reservoir Dogs (1992), Pulp Fiction (1994), and Kill Bill (2003) and write a double-spaced 3-4 page Critical Essay (CE-2) in which you compare and contrast the way surrealism and the use of ultra violence in these

watch Quentin Tarantino’s neo-noir films Reservoir Dogs (1992), Pulp Fiction (1994), and Kill Bill (2003) and write a double-spaced 3-4 page Critical Essay (CE-2) in which you compare and contrast the way surrealism and the use of ultra violence in these three films, as well as other Thematic and Stylistic Devices, reveal the physical and emotional cruelty, suffering, and brutality caused by men in positions of power on the upper levels of the patriarchal hierarchical system of traditional realist thinking — which is finally avenged by “The Bride” in Kill Bill.