What are the four (4) areas of focus aka criteria important to Facebook?

1. What does TCO stand for?

2. How many forms of solicitation are there? List them by full description and three (3) letter acronym (see question 1 for example). Don’t forget the one (1) we discovered that is used by our neighbors up north.

3. In today’s (3.18.2020) lecture we were introduced to another form of solicitation, what was it?

4. What are the four (4) areas of focus aka criteria important to Facebook?

5. Who should you always include when developing your solicitation and what do call them?

6. How many steps did we discuss in today’s (3.18.2020) lecture? What were they?

Article 2: Understanding The What, Why, & How of Strategic Sourcing

Read and provide your thoughts on the key takeaways from the article.