The goal is to investigate how Augmented Reality (AR) can be used for increasing the awarenes about certain aspects (air pollution, roadblocks, trafficjam) in cities.
The first part of the thesis has the following structure:
1. Introduction
(introduction on how Augmented Reality is widely used and how it is being applied in real life such as gaming, health and
in cities)
1.1 Problem Statement
less people are aware of their surroundings
what are the limitations of different methods to increase the awareness of what is going on in a city
Can we increase awarenes of people by using AR on mobile devices
1.2 Contributions
1.3 Methodology
2. Background
More informatoin about AR and what it is used for
Development tools with their advantages and limitations:
– ARCore
– ARKit
– ARToolKit
– Vuforia
– Wikitude
different devices for using AR
google glass, mobile