What attitudes were effective or not effective in negotiating a diplomatic solution?

Memo to Foreign Affairs:Students will be required to  write a letter from a non American perspective, you may write as an  Ambassador or Assistant Minister to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The  memo should identify a diplomatic problem and propose a strategy for  dealing with it (China).

  • The letter must: • Describe the problem and its relevance to the  home country’s interests; • Propose a diplomatic strategy for resolution  or management; • Identify assets, constraints and potential trade-offs.  Choose an issue that allows you to be specific. Be complete yet  succinct: clarity, grammar and spelling count. You are encouraged to  discuss your paper with me over the course of the semester. You can  THINK: What are the roots of the conflict? How do politics impact the  issue? The economy? The culture? · What diplomatic solutions were  proposed? · What attitudes were effective or not effective in  negotiating a diplomatic solution? · What did you learn about the topic?  · What did you learn about the interactions of people in this  simulation? · How did diplomatic skills play a role in this simulation? ·  Why is this topic important to consider? · What do you think the U.S.  role should be in this issue? · What is the best possible outcome? ·  What is the most likely outcome? · How could you use diplomatic skills  in your everyday life?