What impact has Reconstruction and the Civil War had on workplaces today? How does the term, “equality of opportunity” relate to this impact on the workplace?

  • How did the events of Reconstruction affect American culture? How have these events affected equality among different groups as well as the American economy? Voice opinions on both positive and negative influences.
  • How does our current culture reflect the issues of Reconstruction? What avenues in politics do you see the effects?
  • What impact has Reconstruction and the Civil War had on workplaces today? How does the term, “equality of opportunity” relate to this impact on the workplace?

Be mindful that your experience may not be the same as the experiences of your classmates. Please be aware and keep your discussion on topic and connected to Reconstruction. Your first post should be 150+ words with one IWG citation and reference. You need two 50+ word responses.

For your citation, you might use articles that show examples of what impact Reconstruction and the Civil War has had on workplaces today. You can also find articles from experts that suggest how our current culture reflects issues of Reconstruction.