What is the break-even analysis for your venture? How did you determine this? At one point will you reach your desired profitability level? Explain how you might reach profitability sooner, such as the factors impacting your profitability.
Please respond to this:Greetings Class,
Ideally our goal is to begin generating more income our second year after studying the analytics of which curriculum were sought after the most and then purchasing those curriculum at a wholesale cost right before peak season begins, ensuring any credit card or loan for the merchandise is paid off immediately. Judging your inventory on the analytics from the previous year will be an easy way to ensure you don’t have stale inventory.
By the fifth year of our business our goal would be to be generating a profitable business and be mostly debt free at that time, except for any credit owed for that coming year’s school year.
One of the best ways for us to get the word out will be to keep in close contact with the leaders of the current communities and advertise our domain through them and try and advertise at any conventions each year to promote sales growth. Getting the word and constantly studying the analytics to determine which curriculum can be capitalized on by housing in house. Handing out flyers and trying to speak with the parents would be beneficial. Another way to help get the word out would be to try and hold community events specifically for the homeschool community and use that as a tool to gather people together and pass out flyers or business cards.