What role should job evaluation, market pricing, and pay survey data play in your efforts to develop a new base pay plan for your workforce?

You are an HR professional in your private-sector organization.

When your physical retail chain organization merged two years ago with a firm that specializes in online apparel retailing, your company had to hire 150 employees to keep up with growth. This brought your employee count to 250.

Up until the merger, your company paid top market rate, but once the merger took place the company adopted the merging company’s plan where pay was based 20% below market value. The base pay plan now in place is ineffective for the type of company yours has become, where 65-70% of your sales are online.

What role should job evaluation, market pricing, and pay survey data play in your efforts to develop a new base pay plan for your workforce? Your boss has asked you to come up with at least six sources useful for the top managers in your organization to learn about these processes.

In this assignment you will incorporate the most effective sources of information possible, giving special attention to the quality of sources utilized for the purpose intended. Find at least two valid sources of information for each of the three topics listed below. At least two of your six sources should NOT be listed in Module 1. Those two resources should either come from the Trident library or from other sources of peer-reviewed academic journals. Analyze both references for each category and select the one from each category that you think is the most appropriate reference for this assignment. In the end you will have three references to create this presentation for. The three categories are:

  1. Job Evaluation: A formal, systematic means to identify the relative worth of jobs within your firm.
  2. Market Pricing: Using market data to identify the relative value of jobs based on what other employers pay for similar jobs.
  3. Pay Surveys: Collection of data on compensation rates for workers performing similar jobs in other organizations.

Create a PowerPoint presentation of at least 13 slides (representing the topics a, b, c, and d below and a cover slide) for each of the three sources you identified above. Discuss:

  1. How the term specifically relates to the concept of total rewards,
  2. The criteria you applied to determine that each source was appropriate to educate your company managers.
  3. Why each source was chosen (relevance of the info), and
  4. Any ethical or legal issues that should be considered.

Workers today want to see no more than 5 words and a picture on each slide. This means that all those words you want to put on the slides actually go onto the notes pages. (Suggestion: Change the four questions to short bullet points, such as Criteria for question b.). In addition, workers want to see pictures of people, and preferably pictures of the company’s employees, not clip art. This shows potential job candidates that the company cares about its employees. If you put your completely formatted references on the slides, there is no need to have a reference list slide.