When trying to determine what type of research study is described in an article, which two sections of the article will give you the best information to make that determination?A.Abstract and conclusionB.Methods and limitationsC.Methods and resultsD.Introduction and resultsE.Abstract and discussionF.Literature review and data analysis
Order the following types of research evidence reviews in order of rigor from most rigorous to least rigorous: – 1. 2. 3. 4. Systematic review with meta-analysis
– 1. 2. 3. 4. Integrative review
– 1. 2. 3. 4. Systematic review without meta-analysis
– 1. 2. 3. 4. Narrative review
What types of information would help you identify a research study as quantitative? (Select all that apply.)A.Data is collected using such approaches as interviews, focus groups, and open-ended questions on surveys.B.Data is collected using Likert scales on surveys.C.Results are reported using numbers and statistics.D.Results are reported using themes and words.
What kind of study is described in the following excerpt?
Researchers are interested in studying the impact of living in a family where a child has been diagnosed with cancer. They collaborate with the oncology department at a large children’s hospital to identify and receive consent from families that have a child with a cancer diagnosis. Participants are consented and data is collected and triangulated using one-on-one interviews, focus groups, and surveys. Data is analyzed for thematic analysis.A.Quantitative researchB.Qualitative researchC.Mixed-methods researchD.Systematic reviewsE.Literature reviewsF.Cohort studies
Which of the following is a type of quantitative research study?A.PhenomenologyB.Case studyC.Randomized controlled trialD.EthnographyE.Participative action researchF.Ground theory
What type of information would help you identify a research study as qualitative? (Select all that apply.)A.Data is collected using such approaches as interviews, focus groups, and open-ended questions on surveys.B.Data is collected using Likert scales on surveys.C.Results are reported using numbers and statistics.D.Results are reported using themes and words.E.Data is collected using surveys with fill-in-the-blank questions.F.Results are reported using a mixture of numbers and themes.