A critical review of Mehta, V. and J.K. Bosson (2009). “Third Places and the social life of streets.” Environment and Behavior 42(6): 779-805 The critical review should provide the following: 1. A brief, succinct summary of the contents of the reading 2. A critical analysis of the contents. The analysis should answer the following question: Does the coverage of the literature seem through? Are recent research and literature cited? Does the reading rely on appropriate materials (e.g. mainly on books, journal articles, research reports, or use primary sources such as a survey or interviews)? Is the reading organised in such a way that the development of ideas is clear? Does the reading appear unbiased? Does it consider different sides of the argument? Does the reading use appropriately tentative language? Do the authors overstate the significance of their findings? Does the reading conclude with a synopsis of the main learning from the research?