Write a narrative about something you experienced or observed in a family setting.

Write a narrative about something you experienced or observed in a family setting.

Here are some tips for writing a great narrative:

1. Write an incident-based story (with a beginning, middle and end)

– Focus on a particular place and moment in time

– Avoid generalities or analysis

– scene should be like a movie or picture: put this down on the page

2. Show the reader what it looks like:

– name a specific place and time

– names signify culture (street, town, family titles, dog’s name, and clothes we

buy are all clues to character)

3. Write sentences of 10 words or less. Keep it short for maximum impact (especially

when up against a long sentence).

4. Use simple everyday vocabulary – write as if talking to a friend.

5. Tell your story through details (ie. Don’t say “I had a bad day.” Tell the series of

events and let the reader decide the meaning.)

  • Posted: 39 minutes ago
  • Due: 24/03/2020
  • Budget: $15