Write a paper on Developing a disaster recovery plan/ community analysis interation consequences

2 Explain the interaction consequences of an emergency event Part 3 List the recovery needs of your community Part 1 Describe Your Community 30 marks Introduction Introduce your selected community in a brief overview (. geography, history, climate, and so on.) Social-economic characteristics Describe the socio-economic characteristics of your selected community You may describe the economic characteristics separately if you wish. Physical characteristics Describe the physical characteristics of your selected community Part 2 Interaction Consequences 35 marks In Part 2 you are asked to consider the interaction of your chosen community with either a specific threat (for example a flood) or following Mark Sullivan’s paper, a generic threat. On the one hand you have your community and on the other hand a potential threat – put them together, and what do you get? What are the interaction consequences? Having summarised your chosen community you should now describe the interaction consequences of a threat/threats impacting on that community. You may be flexible with your approach to this section and select the headings that best suit your community and threat. If you are stuck, you may like to consider the following prompts: 1. Identify the threat/hazard/emergency situation. 2. Describe the implications of the threat on your community, highlighting potential problems and opportunities: Area affected People affected Property affected Facilities and services affected Anything else of relevance that may be affected 3. What conclusions can you draw to complete this section, regarding your chosen community’s capabilities, both social and physical? Alternatively, you could consider writing about the interaction consequences through some of the following prompts: Consequences arising from previous emergencies Societal consequences and community expectations Combined geographical and infrastructure consequences Consequences of building design and so on You are encouraged to be creative and design your own structure; these are suggestions to get you thinking. As you complete this assignment bear in mind that in Assessment Task 2 you will consider the recovery strategies that flow from the interaction consequences you are now describing. Part 3 Recovery Needs and Conclusion 25 marks List the recovery needs of your community as a result of the emergency event. Construct a Conclusion which draws together the main points of your community, the interaction consequences of an emergency event and the needs that it creates. Presentation and Referencing 10 marks Rationale back to top This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s: be able to implement the Community Analysis Process be able to analyse the social characteristics and infrastructure of a community be able to detail the recovery management needs In order to help plan for the recovery of a community before an emergency event it is important to understand how the community looks and functions under normal circumstances. The purpose of this assignment is to describe your selected community before a disaster strikes, then to envisage the effects of the emergency event on the community (interaction consequences), and lastly to list the needs of your community after the emergency event. In Assessment Task 2 you will prioritise your list of needs. Try to picture this assessment task as a table top exercise where you imagine your community (with its socio-economic and physical characteristics, and its current emergency management plans) and then the aftermath – what is destroyed, damaged, disrupted? To what extent? In Assessment Task 2 you will use this community and the interaction consequences you are envisaging now to write effective recovery plans. Marking criteria and standards The following marking criteria together with the Assignment Marking Grade Descriptors should be utilised in the construction of your assignment. They will be used to provide feedback on your assignment. Your marks will be allocated according to the Grade Descriptors and how well you address the marking criteria. Assessment Marking Grade Descriptors Australian Graduate School of Policing and Security Criteria Referenced Standards Based Assessment Articulated Standards Standards: Generic Descriptors of Quality Morgan, Chris, et al. The Student Assessment Handbook: New Directions in Traditional and Online Assessment. London: Routledge Falmer, 2004, , suggest grade descriptors applicable for extended tasks in the humanities. They adapt well for the disciplines of Policing, Security and Public Safety. These grade descriptors assess the level of: Comprehension of theoretical underpinnings; understanding of concepts and principles; Critical understanding of the material Range of resources; evidence and depth of reading and research; Quality of presentation; clarity of structure; expression and grammar; sustained evidence of correct citation and referencing Development and quality of argument; relevance of content; evidence of analysis; critical evaluation; validity of deductions and conclusions;
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