Write a T.S. Eliot’s great short essay “The Problem of Hamlet,” in which he takes the contrarian position that Hamlet is a “failed play.”

T.S. Eliot’s great short essay “The Problem of Hamlet,” in which he takes the contrarian position that Hamlet is a “failed play.” As an additional extra credit assignment, choose a work we read this semester (could be a short story, poem, or play) that you didn’t like/didn’t think was successful and write a 500-word argument exploring your opinion.The Problem of Hamlethttp://web.mnstate.edu/gracyk/courses/web%20publishing/Eiliot_Hamlet.htmStories/Poems to choose fromJackson “The LotteryPoe, “Cask of AmontilladoHawthorne, “Young Goodman BrownChopin, “Story of an Hour”W Hemingway, “Hills Like White ElephantsSophocles, Oedipus the KingCarver, “Cathedral”W O’Connor, “A Good Man is Hard to FindO’Brien, “The Things They Carried”W Atwood, “Happy Endings”Emily Dickinson, “I Dwell in Possibility” “After Great Pain, a Formal Feeling ComesAllen Ginsberg, “A Supermarket in California”Walt Whitman, “When I Heard the Learned Astronomer