You can specify a location, business or case to assist you should you wish to. There is no one answer to any of this question. The possibilities are numerous. The important thing is that you demonstrate knowledge of the field by drawing on a range of literature found in books and journal articles. Normal academic referencing is required for this essay How you decide to approach the essay is up to you and will require some creative thinking as well as attention to how you will structure your argument. Which would be more beneficial for an organisation- external or internal drivers? What factors need to be considered before such a choice is made? Thesis statement requires an argument to answer the first question. Example: This essay will argue that (External or internal) drivers are more beneficial for an organisation … (main reasons). The factors that need to be considered before such a choice is made include (major factors). Main reasons and major factors should demonstrate that you have undertaken independent research, can identify key issues and show that you understand the literature. Discuss, in detail, the implications of and the difficulties involved with, attempting to change the structure of an organisation. Be sure to highlight not only what an organisation might gain by changing its dominant structure, but also what problems might emerge to inhibit that change effort. The criteria for evaluating this assignment are: Identification of key issues Structure of essay – formal academic structure Use of appropriate examples Demonstrated understanding of theory and appropriate literature Demonstration of analytical and critical thinking capacities Demonstrated independent research Presentation and referencing Markers will ignore those parts of the essay that exceed the word limit, and essays which are under the word limit will be considered as not representing a completed assessment task. Excessive use of quotes will be heavily penalised Writing to a set word count is a requirement in almost every profession, and presenting an argument within the bounds of a word count demonstrates partial achievement of Learning Outcome